Sunday, September 16, 2012

hunting the beast

compass, check, whistle, check, beaver tranquilizer, check, thats all we needed... thats all we had. the chupacabra was native to the forest and we needed its meat to sell so we couldbuy the xbox 720, because everyone knows chupacabra meat sells for a lot. we set out in search for this brilliant creature, not knowing what will be in store for us next.

to be continued


Love to me is a finely tuned clarinet, your tuning it and tuning it, thinking.. when is this darn clarinet going to sound normal! then once it does, your in love...

in love as in you play it once then realize clarinets are gay, thats like highschool. then youmove on to the bigger and better banjo, thats love..... i really make zero sense..

Sunday, September 9, 2012


this goes out to rappers... usually rappers have done no good in the world.. but deal drugs, slam snitches, and shot thugs.. but we have to think to ourselves here, rappers are the scum of the earth. none of them going anywhere after there careers. but then again, we all love rap music (minus erica hovermail) so why is it we like it so much?


humans and robots are the same if you think about it.. they only have one goal in life.. and that's to win the lottery.. k that's was really random and i don't know why i said that but humans are bloodthirsty beasts trying to get as much money as fast as possible.. and if you think about it humans are kind of programed to be that way.. just as how robots are programmed to do whatever we need.

i would rather be a human because of the choices we have to make... screw robots and there metalyness.